1 year ago I launched Wellness Witness.
Since that time I have posted 144 times on this blog, and hundreds and hundreds of times on the Facebook page and Instagram account.
This website has had almost 100,000 page views over the last year, and we’ve gained almost 3300 Facebook followers. This little ministry has led to new friendships, to new opportunities, and to exciting adventures. In the last year WellnessWitness group fitness classes began, I’ve learned more about the way that God designed me and the calling He has placed on my life, I’ve seen dreams fulfilled, we sold our first batch of t-shirts and sweatshirts, I’ve attended a life changing Instructor training program, have gotten to share some of your amazing Success Stories , and have learned SO much. I’ve shared some favorite recipes, and a few workouts, and tried to help keep you motivated towards your goals.
As I reflected back today on what all God has done through WellnessWitness since it began 1 year ago, I read through old posts and through your emails and messages, and was moved to tears.
I pulled up this post and could see how God has worked in my heart over the past year.
I re-read it today, I realized I still strongly believe these same
concepts. But over the last year, I’ve been learning how important our
hearts are. In fact, it doesn’t matter one bit if I’m in perfect
physical condition with six pack abs and leading others to be the same
if I don’t have a heart for Jesus.
See, this page and the blog
started as a fitness based page with a little faith component. Over the
last year, God has changed it to be a faith based page with a little
fitness component.
I want you to live healthy lives, friends,
but more than anything else, I want you to know Jesus. To point to Him
in your daily life. To know how you’re loved by Him and how you’re held
each moment of every day.
I’ve lost some readers along the way
because the way I want to lead you towards better health can only come
through His grace and His leading. Could I reach more readers by putting together quick-fix plans that minimize calories and maximize ego? Sure. But am I willing to? Sorry, no.
So for those I’ve lost along the way, I will miss you, but I’m okay. I can’t help but testify and preach of the ONE way to lasting change. Whether that may be to one, to ten, or to ten thousand, the message must be the same: JESUS.
To those that have stuck with me or are just joining me: Thank you. I’m so grateful for you.
Thank you for joining me in this adventure. Thank you for trusting me.
I can’t help but feel that God is working even now to bring good things to us.
Ever felt like you’re on the brink of something big that God is going to do? That’s where I am.
I don’t know what it is, and it may not be through this little ministry at all, but can I tell you this?
I’m ready.
Whatever He wants to do, I’m ready to follow. I’m all in.
I know that whatever He has planned for me is far greater than anything I could plan or design myself.
My life verse is Eph. 3:20 and I am FULLY PERSUADED that it is true- for me, for this little ministry, and for you, friend. He is ready to do ABUNDANTLY, EXCEEDINGLY MORE. And I’m ready to receive it. I’m ready to be used.
So I don’t know what 2015 will hold for WellnessWitness, but I’m excited to see what God has in store for us.
Ready and willing.
The Donley's says
I'm in too!! Happy New Year, Friend.
JanCT says
I've just recently joined you, and I'm thankful that your focus is on Him. Thanks for all you do.
Laughter and Consistency