quick fixes and the diet-binge-diet cycle for a long, long time. Name a popular
diet or exercise plan and I probably have done it. Two years ago this month, I
began a different journey. This time, going about getting healthier the RIGHTway.
I’m currently trying to lead my local workout ladies through this same process
and sat down this week to try to write something that might help them. I
thought about all that I have learned on this journey, and what I think they
need to know and to admit before they can experience real change.
As I jotted down my ideas and thoughts, I was reminded of such powerful truths
that God has whispered to me over the last two years. I put these together into
what I’m calling the “New Beginnings Manifesto” and shared it with them this
morning. I wondered if it may help one of you also, so I’m also
sharing it here.
past actions and announcing the motive for forth-coming ones”.
must do if we really want to do this thing His way.
gone wrong and set our intention for how we will proceed.
doing it God’s way, this manifesto is for YOU.
Read it, underline parts that resonate with you, and highlight what you need to
be reminded of. Print it out or write the words in your motivation journal.
Hang a copy on your bathroom mirror or on the dashboard in your car. REMIND
YOURSELF OF THESE TRUTHS. There will be days that are hard and you will need to
have these words fresh on your mind and etched on your heart.
realize that I have neglected the gift of a healthy, whole body that God has
given to me. I have forgotten the importance of good health in my life and for
the calling God has put before me. I know that I am HIS design- that He
specifically formed and fashioned me and I desire to honor Him with ALL parts
of my life. I am ready to hold nothing back. I am ready to be ALL IN.
I am ready to allow God to show me a new way.
I am ready for a new start on His terms. I know that He can bring beauty
from ashes (Isaiah 61:3), that He is doing a new thing, even now. He can make a
way in the wilderness and streams in the desert (Isaiah 43:19). I trust Him and
His plan and this time, I will use Him and His word as my guide.
When I am tired, I will look to Him. When I am discouraged, I will allow Him to
remind me of who HE says I am. When I begin to feel as if I’m not enough, I
will remind myself of how He sees me.
tempted to compare myself to. Take my eyes off of the scale and off of the
airbrushed images I will see in magazines, television and social media.
Today, I will commit to this journey for my good and ultimately for HIS glory.
This journey is about far more than a number on a scale, a dress size, or my
physical appearance and so I will stop looking for instant results. I
will trust Him and remember that my job is obedience. His is results.
May my heart be changed to look more like His, which will bring healing and
wholeness in ALL areas. I know that my worth is not dependent on anything I can
do, but on what He has already done for me.
May I not obsessively restrict in an attempt to take control myself. I know
that this must be a lifelong change with sustainable, healthy habits. I will
take it one healthy choice at a time, knowing that there is GRACE for when I
mess up and there are always second chances with God.
I will embrace this New Day, these new mercies, and this new beginning.
If you’d like a .jpg image of this manifesto:
Or if you’d like to access a .doc file of the manifesto, go here:
Do me a favor…if this resonates with you or if you feel like it would help someone else, would you share it with them? Post on FB, pin it on Pinterest or email them this link. Let’s get more of us doing this health journey the RIGHT way- HIS WAY!!
Laura Hicks says
Love this Kara! Thanks for sharing. I will pass it along as well.