Skillet Chicken- KID APPROVED! :)

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In our home, my kids don’t always love the meals that we
They would rather have chicken nuggets and macaroni and
cheese than fresh cooked vegetables and roasted chicken. I get it. I do. Truth
be told, some days I would rather eat macaroni and cheese, too. But I’ve
learned that this is not a good choice for my body (except for the occasional
splurge) and that eating foods such as that make me feel lethargic later on and
they take me further away from my goals.
We do not choose to prepare more than 1 meal per night, so
our kids are faced with two choices most days: 1- eat and enjoy the healthy
food we have prepared 2- watch us eat the healthy food and be hungry. There is
some flexibility in this. For example, I always put on their plates some fruit
or vegetable that I know they will eat and enjoy. We also only ask that they
try at least 3 bites of any item on their plate. After those three bites if
they choose to not eat more, we don’t force them to. Before bedtime, if they’re
hungry we let them have a bit of natural peanut butter or another semi-healthy
This is what works best for our family. Feel free to do
whatever works best for yours.
However, we have recently found  a recipe that makes us all happy.
I’m calling it Skillet Chicken, although the site I found it
on calls it “Cracker Barrel Grilled Chicken”. You can find the full recipe with
pictures and instructions here
Basically, I put together some Italian dressing, some lime
juice and some honey and chicken breasts that I had cut into strips.
They recommend that you marinate these for an hour. I’ve made them twice now-
once when I marinated for an hour, and then last night when I only had 15
minutes. They turned out about the same both times, so if you don’t have a full
hour to marinate, it’s okay.
Once the tenders are marinated, add them to a skillet. There
will be a lot of liquid, but that is how it’s supposed to look. I messed up
last night and put too many in the same pan, so I had to move them and start a
second skillet full.
And then, you just let them cook.
I kept mine around a
medium-high heat (a 7 out of 10 on my dial) so that they stayed simmering.
Every once in a while I would stir them or flip the tenders over. I took
pictures for you in 15 minute intervals so that you could see how the liquid
Mine generally take between 45 minutes to an hour and there
will be times that you think there is no way that all that liquid is going to
absorb. But stick with it and just keep cooking them.
At the end, all the liquid will have transformed into a
delicious sauce that will coat each tender. The chicken is moist and tender and
the sauce is delicious.
Each kid asked for seconds and then third helpings, which
makes this Momma extremely happy.
I encourage you to visit here
and to give these a try. So, so good!
Easy and only a few ingredients means this is the perfect
Wellness Witness supper. I served ours with skillet cabbage and sweet potato
patties/fries. I’ll post those recipes soon, too! It isn’t a QUICK meal, but
it’s low maintenance and I was able to clean the kitchen, prepare our side
dishes, and help K with her homework while it was cooking. Try this recipe and
then let me know what you think!

Reader Interactions


  1. Making these tonight. Thanks for the idea! BTW…also made your hamburger lettuce wraps this week…HUGE hit in our house! Thanks for all your inspiration 🙂

  2. Made this last night and everyone loved it. My kids ate all of it and wanted more. Especially my 8 year old daughter who said she didn’t care if she had to wait 3 hours for some but she wanted more before bed. Of course I didn’t have anymore chicken to make more but o well. Served with brown rice and veggies. This will be a new staple recipe in our house. Thanks

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