Sharing our Successes: MEET RACHEL!!!

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I’m so excited to share our most recent SUCCESS STORY with you today. Meet Rachel, one of my former students. I’ve always loved this girl’s heart and now love that we share such a passion for health, wellness, faith and fitness. I know that you will be encouraged by her story and her determination. If you want to learn more about Rachel and her journey, she blogs over at

Here’s her story:

I’ve always
struggled with my size – I’m 5’8 with broad shoulders, ‘big bones’ and
thick leg muscles.

“Athletic” is what my body type was referred to as a

Growing up, I was bigger than most of my friends. I remember getting to
middle school and having to do those awkward physical exams for PE – I
remember weighing more than the other kids. I never really let my size
bother me though. I was pretty confident in who I was. I played
volleyball, and tennis and was on the track team.

Although I wasn’t the
best in any of those sports, I stuck with them and enjoyed playing.
After high school I gave up playing sports and didn’t stay active during
I put on a good 20 pounds after high school and refused to acknowledge
it. I avoided scales and taught myself to think ‘it’s how you feel, not
how much you weigh’ (Which I still 100% agree with!)

But, I was super
unhealthy. I would eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted and paid no
attention to what I put in my body.
I took notice of my habits and unhealthy way of eating around December
of 2013. I knew some girlfriends who had some success with Weight
Watchers, so I gave it a try. Around that time I also picked up my 2nd
job of teaching swim lessons at a locally owned gym. I started swimming
and running regularly as well as following a strict, strict diet on the
WW plan.

I learned to love eating vegetables. I gave up breads. pastas
and cheese (and wine….periodically
). I ate alot of protein and vegetables. I found new recipes and did a
ton of meal prep. The good thing about WW is that you can still eat
foods you enjoy, just a smaller amount.

If anyone knows about Weight Watchers, it’s all about portion size and
what’s ‘worth’ eating verses what isn’t. I quickly learned I could eat
pizza, pasta & burgers…but I couldn’t eat a lot of them. What one
slice of pizza would ‘cost’ in the WW world, I could eat 2 cups of
spinach, a 5oz chicken breast, 2 hard boiled eggs and some dressing. SO
much more food.
It just made sense to me, and it worked.

I struggled, and gave in to craving every now and then. But I would
always get back on track, focusing on my workouts, and putting fuel into
my body.

I’ve found fun new ways to stay active and push myself. I
run, bike and swim. But I also teach water aerobics, I do P90X, I lift
weights. I walk my dog. I sleep better and I wake up easier. Most
importantly I feel better. I’ve signed up for 5K’s and even am
participating in my first triathlon in September!

I really just wanted to feel better about myself, and become the best
version of me I could be!
I lost 40 pounds in 5 months.

I also want to encourage others to
believe in themselves. To truly believe in yourselves and know that you
are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are strong and you can do it!

How awesome is this girl? So proud to know her and proud of the person that she is.

Want to be a success story featured on this blog? Send your story and your before/after picture to me through my email: osborne (UNDERSCORE) kara AT yahoo DOT COM, or through my facebook page .

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