Hey, friends!
How are you? We got hit with another round of winter weather here, so the kids are out of school again today.
This time it’s just ice so it’s not nearly as fun to go out and play in.
If you were on the social media channels yesterday, you may have seen the video I posted. It’s called ” Fully Known, Fully Loved” and has been shown to almost 12,000 people on Facebook and watched by over 6,000. It’s message of hope and encouragement that you need to hear, so be sure you either head over to the Facebook page to view it or watch it here:
Also, if you’re a member of the At-Home TRIBE, I just posted you three new recipes with two of them being slow cooker soups that are perfect for this cold weather! I hope you enjoy!
One more thing, if you’re currently subscribed to our email list, I’m in the process of getting ready to transition over to a new system. You will not be notified with every new post once this is in place, but will get one email per week with all the pertinent content that you enjoy. I’ll post more details as this transition happens.
I’ll be back tomorrow with your Workout-Wednesday video. See you then, friends!
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