Hello, friends!
Can you believe it’s the first day of May??? 2015 is surely flying by quickly.
May is my busiest month of the year at work and so I’m trying my best to start off the month organized and committed to my goals.
May also brings with it our newest Back-to-Basics Healthy Habit #5.
If you’re new to this page, you can catch up on the past Habits by reading these posts:For the first three weeks we worked on
drinking water (find those posts here, here, and here), then we spent three weeks working on moving our
bodies (find those posts here, here, and here) and then we began working on Sleep. Read
those posts here and here. And here.
Our fourth healthy habit was reducing sugar and you can find that post here.
Today we start our 5th habit and it is: ADDING PROTEIN to our daily snacks and meals.
Why Protein?
Protein is an ESSENTIAL building block to cell growth and regeneration as well
as in your diet. It can aid in blood circulation, skin regeneration, muscle
repair and bone strength as well as in fat loss.
According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in
2010, those that ate diets high in protein had reduced insulin levels, less
hunger, decreased food cravings and were able to maintain their current muscle
mass when losing weight which means LESS rebound weight gain down the road.
When we eat a protein-heavy meal, we will feel full for longer and resist the
urge to snack much easier. In fact, for every 1 percent increase in protein intake,
people naturally decreased their calorie intake by 32 to 51 calories a day!
It also requires more calories for your body to process protein as compared to
fat or carbohydrates. Protein requires TWO TIMES more calories to breakdown
than carbs!
decrease the risk of osteoporosis.
Studies have shown protein consumption can contribute to
better sleep, better brain function, lower blood pressure, more energy, and
even better skin, hair and nails!
For the next month, look for ways to increase the protein in your snacks and
meals. You’ll feel fuller, have less cravings, more energy and possibly a
smaller waistline!
I’ll try to share some ideas on this page, also.
Now, here’s your monthly calendar to print off and use to stay accountable. I changed it this month as the way I instructed you to do it in April was just too overwhelming in my opinion.
For this month’s calendar, I’m going to just use TWO ways to mark each day.
IF I have met my healthy eating goals for the day (including water and the habits we have covered so far), then I’ll put a vertical line down that day’s box. If I have moved my body in exercise, then I’ll put a horizontal line across that day’s box. If I’ve done both, then I’ll have a CROSS over that day.
The goal? As many crosses as you can get for the month.
To print yours, go here.
I’ve also included 3 daily challenges per week. If you do those, bonus points for you!
You can do this!
And just in case you haven’t yet seen the items I listed in the store, go check them out by clicking HERE.
There are some super cute items at great prices. STORE closes Sunday night 10 pm EST.
Happy Friday!
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