Batching Content and Why it Matters

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Today, let’s talk about BATCHING content. In its simplest form what this means is grouping like tasks together. 

Batching your content will help you to get more done in less time because you won’t be wasting energy on starting and stopping a task. You won’t have to transition or get set-up before working on a task each time you complete it and it will allow you to work ahead.

Think about the things that you need to get done in a month for your business/ministry. Social media posts will require captions, images/graphics, and calls to action. Emails will need to be created and sent. Videos may need to be filmed. Podcasts may need to be recorded. Invoices may need to be sent. Recipes may need to be created or curated. Blog posts may need to be written, edited, and posted. Workouts may need to be planned.

1– Take a few minutes to think through any of the tasks you’ll need to complete. Having a calendar nearby can help as you begin to schedule in the content you’ll need to have ready. For me this might look like:
-Draft and schedule four emails for the At-Home Tribe in September
-Record, edit, and upload six workout videos
-Plan 12 workouts for my #530amtribe fitness classes
-Post 12 times to Instagram/Facebook page
-Record 4 scripture reset podcast episodes and 4 topical episodes

2- Next plan when you can tackle ONE of these areas. Block off time in your calendar to work on it. Example:
This past Friday I scheduled a 3-hour block for filming workouts. I showed up with any equipment I might need, 3 changes of clothes, 3 workout plans, and my video equipment. I set up and filmed the first workout and when I finished, instead of then taking all of the equipment back down, I rested, changed clothes, and began filming the second video.

Why does this help? I’m not having to switch modes. The space was already prepared and my equipment set up. This saves a ton of time and brain space.

Other examples:
-When I sit down to write my weekly emails for my At-Home Tribe ladies for the month, I make an outline for the entire month. I plan the topics for each email based off of what our current monthly theme is, what needs I’ve noticed in the group, and then based off of what content I can build off of from week to week. I can plan their emails to flow together cohesively and to advance from week-to-week based off of one plan.

-The same goes for planning my live class workouts. I try to plan for at least one-week at at time and when I’m really on top of my game, I plan the entire month. I look at the calendar and then decide which types of training we need on which days. Once I’ve decided on a format (examples: Cardiovascular, total body strength, bodyweight, metabolic conditioning, kickboxing, drums, etc.), then I can easily plan each workout to meet that objective.

-When recording podcast episodes, it takes time to get my microphone set up, audio levels correctly set, editing software up and going. Instead of doing all of that for one episode, I always batch my episode recording to make better use of my time. I spend some time up front making a plan for what all I want to record and I gather any info that I need to make show notes or outlines. Then, once I’m ready, I sit down and record multiple episodes.
I edit all of them at one time, and then I upload and pre-schedule them all at once as well.

-You can even use this concept of BATCHING for tasks at home. When I’m preparing my lunches for the week, I go ahead and wash and chop enough lettuce to last me for 4 more days. We grill enough chicken breasts for the week and on Mondays, I chop up enough for salads for the entire week.
When I cook ground beef for supper, I cook a second pound that I immediately put into the freezer to use at a future date.

Working SMARTER and not harder will help you to run longer. 

As you’re just beginning your online business/ministry it can be overwhelming. I get it. Trust me- I still get overwhelmed.

But I always know that the best place to start is by grabbing a notepad and a calendar and making a plan. Grab pockets of time when you can and then try to group like tasks together. This takes practice, but will save you so much time and energy.

Have other questions about this topic or others? Let me know.
Thank you to those who jumped right in and are now ON MISSION ONLINE Independent Study students. I’ve written each of your names on sticky notes on my office wall and I thank God for each of you as I pray for your calling and your future ministry opportunities.

For those that are interested in learning more about this online do-at-your-own-pace six-module business course, you can click the box below.


For those who need a little more information I wanted to share my heart behind this project in this short video. I hope it helps!
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