Where do I begin?

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Today, I’m going to share with you the first video that I sent out back last Fall when we were getting ready to launch the Beta round of the On Mission Online course. It is titled “WHERE DO I BEGIN?” and will talk you through some best first steps to take. 

In it you’ll hear me say things like: 
-What can you do to serve someone else today?
-What can you create and give away that would bless someone else? 
-It’s time to Find your voice. 
-Goal: Give. Serve. Give. Serve. 

Friend- You have been given something to say. And it’s time to start saying it. 

What typically holds us back is that we aren’t quite sure HOW to say it. And often times, we’re afraid of saying it wrong. We don’t know the technology or the best ways to create resources and so we allow ourselves to stay stuck…knowing where we are called to go but being unwilling to take a step forward to get there. 

It is my hope that I can help encourage you along the way to GET GOING. I want to send you tips and resources along the way that make it easier for you to run ON MISSION online for the good of others and the glory of God. And I think this 10-minute video just might help. 

In the video you’ll hear me ask you to hit REPLY and to send me a list of ten ideas of things that you can teach someone right now. Even though I’m not longer asking you to send me this list, I still want you to do it for yourself.

Why? Because ACTION BRINGS CLARITY.  Once we sit down and take the time to actually consider what we have that we can use to bless others, we begin to find our voice and then we can begin moving forward.

Once you’ve come up with a list of your own, HERE is the list we complied last Fall from all of the amazing ideas that you all submitted. Use it if you’d like for some inspiration and then GET GOING creating content to serve and bless others.

I hope this is helpful to you!

Watch the Video HERE.

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