Where to begin when feeling called?

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where to begin


Two years ago today, I posted this picture:
2 years.jpg


See, I knew that I had been called to do this thing yet had NO STINKING CLUE where to begin.

And as I looked back at this picture today, I was reminded that many of you out there are feeling the same pull.

Maybe it’s towards leading a Bible study at your church, maybe its towards adoption, maybe it’s toward trying to repair a broken relationship or to salvage a marriage, maybe it’s towards mission work or to beginning to write or to speak or to teach…whatever it is, there are a few things that you can do RIGHT NOW:

1- PRAY. 

Seek the Lord. You can hear Him speaking through His word, through the counsel of the godly people around you, and sometimes directly to your spirit. Pray and spend time intentionally seeking Him and His will.

My prayer in the beginning of this journey was always the same:
God, if this be Your will for me, SWING WIDE the doors and shove me through. And if it’s not, slam them shut so tight that I can’t pry them open.


He may give you a clear green light to go ahead. Things will begin falling into place and you’ll have complete assurance that it’s Him telling you to go.

Or maybe not. Maybe He will say wait. Maybe you’ll hear nothing at all.
Keep praying. Keep trusting that He IS listening, He DOES care, and He is working all things out for your good and His glory. Will it be on our timetable? Usually not. Will it looks like we think it should? Usually not.

But it will be far better.

3- OBEY.

I get it. Maybe you’re still trembling at the thought of what you’re being called to. I think that’s okay.
But be willing to obey.
If your knees are knocking as you step forward, and your voice is shaking as you speak, WALK AND SPEAK anyway.
This journey isn’t about YOUR ability, but instead your availability and your willingness to just show up. Be willing to be His vessel, His mouthpiece. He does the work, He gets the glory. You just get to go along for the ride. YOU’RE OFF THE HOOK, friend! It’s not up to you. It’s not dependent on you. THAT is good news.


Our job, obedience. His job, results.

You can look back over the Scriptures and see example after example of people who obeyed the Lord, who followed Him fully, yet never saw the outcome they anticipated. And yet, they still were exactly where they should have been and doing what they should have done.
We may never know the impact of what we are being called to do until long after we are gone from this place.

But keep going anyway.
If He has given you a calling, I urge you to obey.

Will it be easy? Probably not.

Praying for you and cheering you on, friends!

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