When your Family Isn’t on Board with Healthy Eating

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Things to remember:
1- Pray
Petition the Lord on behalf of your family. Ask for HIS wisdom on the best practices to implement and for the right words (and the right timing!) for how to discuss it. Pray for a heart that is free from pride or judgment and that your love wouldn’t be conditional based on their response.
When discouraged, pray. When confused, pray. When weary, pray.

2- Lead by example. 
I have never changed my husband’s mind (or his heart) about anything by ‘nagging’ him. In fact, I’m convinced that the more I try to ‘nag’ or (to put it kinder) “to remind” my kids or husband about something repeatedly, the more they tend to tune me out.
But the times that I choose to continue doing what I know that I should without having to point out the fact that I’m doing it? THEY NOTICE. 

3- Remember that your marriage matters more. 
Yes, his health is important, but not more important that the health of your marriage. Refuse to allow this issue to become a stumbling block in your marriage.

4- Start Small if needed:
Give him information in small, easy to process pieces. Don’t try to overhaul everything all at once. Maybe talk about a healthy habit that you could work towards together? Make it a challenge to see who can reach their water goal each day for a week. Then talk about how you feel. If you bring it up and he doesn’t respond in the way that you hoped, Don’t take it personal.

5- Offer choices when possible
Is one of his favorite meals spaghetti? Make up a big batch of his favorite sauce and then try a few of the pasta alternatives. Have some spaghetti squash baked and ready, or zucchini noodles. See if he’s willing to try them in the place of regular noodles.
When preparing a sandwich, see if he’s willing to let you try  wrapping it in lettuce leaves instead of putting it in between two loaves of bread.
Begin swapping out processed cereals for breakfast with some protein rich eggs or a protein shake.
Love Taco Tuesdays? Prepare all your meat and toppings, but then eat it over a large salad with just a few tortilla chips crumbled on top.
You don’t have to prepare two separate meals- just prepare ones that can be easily modified to fit your choices AND his if he chooses to go another way.

6- Give the situation to the Lord. 
You are his wife, not his Holy Spirit. Do what you have been called to do, but allow the Lord to work in his heart on his own time table. In the mean time, keep loving and serving well. Stay encouraged and keep going. Do your best to CHEER HIM ON when he tries something new and to encourage and build him up.



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