Wellness Witness Workout #6 (with Video!)

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I try to post a workout for you each week or two that you can do from home. These are typically ones that I have used in one of my group fitness classes. 
I’ve had many questions from some of you who weren’t sure quite how to perform a move, so I’ve decided to upload a video with them from here on out when possible. 
I’ll list the workout first, and then upload the video link afterwards.
Wellness Witness Workout #6

The only equipment you need is a
set of moderate hand weights/dumbbells (heavier=better).

*Remember, the style of workout is called REST BASED TRAINING. That
means you will push until you can’t keep going, and then you rest until
you’re ready to start back. You should be breathless, have burning
muscles, and be hot.

*Attempt these exercises at your own risk. Wellness Witness is not
liable for any injuries sustained while attempting these workouts.

*Do a full warm-up before getting started!

Set 1: (Each move should be done for 30 seconds, then you move on to the next move in the set. Once at the end of the set, repeat TWO more times for a total of three times through).

Low/High Wide Run
Plie squat with tricep extension
Plank with hip drop
2 pushups/hop up to squat position/stand

*After the third time through this set, rest 30 seconds.

Set 2: (Each move should be done for 30 seconds, then you move on to the next
move in the set. Once at the end of the set, repeat TWO more times for a
total of three times through). 

Squat/Bicep Curl/Overhead Press
Switch Jumps (jumping lunges)
Row on 1 leg (switch legs at 15 seconds)
Crazy Crunches
Curtsy Lunges with knee up on side (Switch legs at 15 seconds)

*After the third time through this set, rest 30 seconds.

Set 3: (Each move should be done for 30 seconds, then you move on to the next
move in the set. Once at the end of the set, repeat TWO more times for a
total of three times through). 

Running Rows
Jump Front/Back/Open Squat/closed
Wide Leg Situp with 1 heavy weight
Plank with alternating shoulder taps

*After the third time through this set, rest 30 seconds.

FINISHER: 1 time through HIGH KNEES for 30 seconds

*Stretch, cool-down and spend some time praising God for a body that can move!

Here’s the link to today’s video. This will take you through each exercise and explain how to complete it. GOOD LUCK!!!

(*If you’re reading this post by email subscription, you may need to visit the blog and/or YouTube to view the video. )

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