Wellness Witness Workout #5

Home / / Wellness Witness Workout #5

Here’s another workout for you to try. The only equipment you need is a
set of moderate hand weights/dumb bells (heavier=better).

*Remember, the style of workout is called REST BASED TRAINING. That
means you will push until you can’t keep going, and then you rest until
you’re ready to start back. You should be breathless, have burning
muscles, and be hot.
*Attempt these exercises at your own risk. Wellness Witness is not
liable for any injuries sustained while attempting these workouts.

(If you aren’t sure how to do any of these moves you can find videos on YouTube)

Workout #5:

You will need a step/stool/wall for this workout. 

Set 1: (Each move is 30 seconds)
Repeat set 3 times
Squat with a curl, stand, overhead press
Mountain climbers using wall (hands on wall/stool/step)
Wide leg squat, then curl each foot back to kick behind you
Push-Ups on the wall

Set 2: (each move is 30 seconds)
Repeat set 3 times
Step-ups with a bicep curl
Wall push-ups with a kick through to each side
Split Squat Left leg
Split Squat Right leg
Tricep Dips on Wall

Set 3: (Each move is 30 seconds)
Only do this set 1 time through
Plank- alternate raising opposite leg and arm out straight
Plank hold
Bridges with weight on hips
Bridge hold with pulse
Bicycle Crunches

Be sure to stretch well when finished.

Each move should be completed as quickly as you can while keeping good form. Use weights heavy enough that this workout is CHALLENGING and that you are having to stop and rest some, especially the second and third time through the sets.

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