Week 2 of #backtobasics2015 Challenge

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Last week, I wrote about the Back to Basics Healthy Habit Challenge. 

I asked you to join me in going about getting healthy a different way- a sustainable way! I asked you to join me in learning a new healthy habit every 21 days. As we master one, we will move on and add another. By the end of 2015, we will have mastered 17 of them!

The first one was WATER. You can read last week’s post here.

We are now heading into Week #2 of this same habit.

How are you doing? Is it harder than expected? Join the conversation over on the Facebook page and let me know how you’ve done so far. 🙂

Remember, we are only taking it ONE DAY AT A TIME. No complete lifestyle overhauls, just sustainable changes!

Here are your assignments for this week:

Day 8: 
Your goal today is to drink at least 32 ounces of
water. You can do this. As you begin to drink more water, know that you may
spend a good deal more time in the restroom. It will get better, I promise.
Hang in there, friend!

Day 9: 

Today, as soon as you wake up and can stumble your way to the kitchen,
drink at least 8 oz of water. For some of you, this may be challenging at
first. Trust the process. Hit your daily goal of at least 32 oz in addition to
your early morning 8 oz for a total of 40 ounces!

Day 10: 

Your assignment for today- look at the ingredient list on a soft drink.
To help you better interpret what you’re looking at, know that 4g of sugar
equals 1 teaspoon. So for this label which is from a SunDrop soft drink, there
are (File saved as sundrop label in ww folder) 45 g of sugar. That means over
11 teaspoons of sugar in ONE 20 oz bottle. Keep in mind that the daily
recommended amount of sugar is Men- 36 g (9 tsp) Women- 24g (6 tsp) PER

Also look at the other ingredients. Remember that ingredients are listed in
order of weight, so the closer to the beginning of the list they are, the more
of the item the beverage/food contains.
Ingredients in particular you need to notice: High Fructose Corn Syrup, Sodium
Benzoate, Brominated Vegetable Oil and artificial food dyes to name a few.

Drink your 40 oz of water today.

Day 11: 
Today we are upping our water another 8 ounces- The
goal: 48 ounces of water. Set an alarm on your cell phone, or download one of
the helpful free apps such as Daily Free Water, Waterlogged, or Water Your

Day 12:

 Drink your 48 ounces of water.
Now go look at the ingredient label for a DIET soft drink.
Here are the Ingredients for a Diet

Many people drink Diet drinks thinking they are “saving” calories and therefore
making a healthier choice. Here are some important facts to know:
Artificial sweeteners are proven to:
-increase cravings
-increase weight gain
-increase risk of type 2 diabetes
-highly addictive
-other symptoms in the body (tooth pain, joint pain, digestive distress)

Also, *2 diet drinks a day have been proved to raise your risk of diabetes by
-They contain mold inhibitors
-they cause cell damage and destroy DNA
-have an acidity level similar to levels in battery acid

Your task for today- reduce the number of diet soft drinks you usually have by
at least 1 per day. Swap it out for water.

If you normally only have 1 a day, cut it in half and only
have half of your normal can/bottle/cup.
Day 13:
Add another 8 ounces! You should be up to 56 ounces a day now. One glass right
when you wake up in the morning, one glass before your evening meal and the
rest in between. YOU CAN DO THIS.
You may experience headaches as your body is adjusting, PERSEVERE friends. It
gets better.
Day 14:
Drink your 56 ounces today and enjoy all the extra exercise you’re getting
walking back and forth to the restroom. Go comment on the Check-in post over on
the WellnessWitness Facebook post and let me know how you’re doing!

You can do this, friends! Praying for you and cheering you on!

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