I shared this image today on the Wellness Witness Facebook page and on my Instagram account.
In case you don’t follow either, I wanted to share it with you here.
Think about that for a second…
By spending 30 minutes moving our bodies, we have only invested a measly 2% of our daily allotment of time. 2%!!!
Your return on investment for that 2% is magnified ten-fold.
On days when you exercise, you will:
*Have more energy
*Have more clarity of thought
*Be more focused on the tasks at hand
*Will have improved mood/emotional well being
*Be better prepared to handle stress
*Will be more conscious of food choices that you make
Not only that, regular exercise:
*Lowers the risk of developing or dying from heart disease, stroke, or diabetes
*Has been proven to prevent certain types of cancers
*Improves bone density and strength
*Can expand lung capacity
*Helps with balance and therefore can help prevent falls and fractures as you age
*Can improve sleep quality
And these are just a few of the more commonly accepted benefits!
Our bodies were made to move. Regular physical activity is essential for those that are able bodied enough to do it.
I know for me, exercise used to not be possible because I didn’t “have time” for it. I work, am raising two small children, serve in my church, volunteer at various functions, and was busy serving in other capacities.
Until I realized that I had to make exercise a priority. I decided to commit 30 minutes a day.
30 minutes is the most I spend at a time exercising. And as you read above, that’s just 2% of my day.
If being honest, I think you could agree with me that we spend far more than 2% of our time on activities that certainly have less benefits to our bodies or our minds including: social media, television, and lounging around.
The hard part for me to accept (and possibly for many of you) is that we DO have the time, we CHOOSE not to make the time for exercise.
It doesn’t have to be complicated or involve a lot of expense. To find the best workout activity for you, you must first decide on something you ENJOY doing.
Do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors? Participate alone or with a group? In a facility such as a gym or at home?
It can be walking or running, a sport such as basketball or volleyball, dancing, swimming, weight lifting, group fitness classes, zumba…anything that gets your heart rate up and pushes you to challenge yourself.
If you’re like me and you’re in a super busy season of life, at-home workouts are the way to go. I started by finding a corner of my family room and utilizing my computer and a set of hand weights. It didn’t take much room, and it didn’t require me to pay for an expensive gym membership or to leave my kids with someone else. I invested no more than 30 minutes 3 times per week and after faithfully plugging away week after week, change happened. I began to not only see physical transformation, but emotional, and spiritual as well. As I pressed in further and asked God to help strength me to do this in HIS name, He gave me the endurance I needed to press on.
And it changed everything.
If you are looking for a good place to get started, here are some of my favorite options:
(Some are free online resources, others are subscription based. I am not being compensated or recognized by any of these organizations, I just want to ‘share the love’ as I feel they are GREAT resources!)
Refit Revolution YouTube Channel –
These three ladies are LEGIT and feature amazing dance based workouts that will have you up and moving, smiling and dancing. Seriously fun stuff.
Revelation Wellness At-Home Workout #1
10 minute at-home workout
Revelation Wellness At-Home Workout #2
10 minute at-home workout
If you love the RevelationWellness workouts, I encourage you to check out RevelationWellness VIP-TV where for $10 a month you have access to an entire library of workouts, work-ins (devotion type videos), and a facebook group.
PrayFit At-Home Workout DVD– this is a 33 day program led by Jimmy Pena, the founder of PrayFit. I have not done this one myself, but I trust Jimmy’s knowledge, expertise, and most of all his heart for Christ.
Momsanity YouTube Labor Day Workout– this is a free 10 minute workout on YouTube.
Momsanity LowerBody Workout– another free 10 minute YouTube workout from Momsanity.
If you love these Momsanity workouts, I encourage you to check out the Momsanity Sisterhood, where for $20 a month you have access to multiple workouts, a monthly scripture calendar, recipes and a facebook group.
JillFit Physiques Metabolic Effect Type Workout– this is a free 20 minute workout from JillFit Physiques, one of my favorite metabolic effect style workouts.
If you really like Yoga, I cannot recommend Holy Yoga strongly enough. They take yoga and redeem it for Jesus. POWERFUL STUFF. Here’s a link to their DVDs for purchase.
There are many at-home workout DVDs that you can purchase from companies such as BeachBody. There are many great BeachBody reps out there including: Michelle Myers ,
Choose Health Kelly, and Well Trained Mama.
Another favorite of mine is a company called Faithful Workouts. In fact, Michelle, the founder, just launched an entire program including workouts, recipes, menu plans and more FOR FREE!!! More info here.
There are MANY, many great resources out there, and a large portion of them are free. The bottom line: FIND ONE YOU LOVE AND THEN COMMIT TO DOING IT!
And if you’re one of those people that just don’t love it, keep pressing on anyway. Eventually, you will start to enjoy it and even to crave it.
You CAN do this in His strength and for His glory. This is kingdom work, friends, and it’s worth it.
As always, I’m praying for you and cheering you on!!!!
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