Some Important Updates!

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Hey, friends!


I’ve been absent for the most part over the last several months. I’ve popped in from time to time to share things with you, but I have not been regularly writing or sharing here in this space.

I’m sorry.

I know that your lives have still been wonderfully full and it’s doubtful that many of you even noticed, but I wanted to let you know that I’m getting back on track, and that the Lord is stirring some big dreams in my heart.

I am so very grateful for the past year of doing this thing “full-time” and I cannot wait to see where He takes us moving forward.

With that said, I wanted to let you know about some changes I’m making.

Currently, I utilize a feed burner account that many of you have signed up for. It is going to be going away as I move to a more stable and more functional email provider. Instead of you getting an email each time that I post, you will instead get a once-a-week newsletter that will include not just any fun website posts, but also highlights from social media and YouTube. Many of you have emailed to tell me that you don’t have an active Facebook, Instagram or YouTube account so this will be a great option for you.

I’m going to be offering a pretty sweet opt-in giveaway for those that sign up for the new list, so keep your eyes peeled over the next few days as I’m finishing it up now.

We’re getting ready to enter into the summer months which means my kids will be home and out of school (both a huge celebration and a bit overwhelming!) so I’m going to have to find my balance again between work-from-home Mama and fun-and-playing-with-the-kids Mama. Bear with me as I figure it all out.

I’m hoping to have a pretty regular posting schedule that you can count on. Every Monday I’ll write up a post with my Monday Morning Motivation video and content. I plan to start a new series called TRUTH BOMB Tuesdays where I plan to spend the next 10 weeks sharing some Gospel-centered, freedom filled TRUTHS with you. I hope to keep giving you Workout Wednesday videos when I can and to also keep sharing encouragement as the Lord leads me to do so.

Thank you so much for joining me here in this space! I’m so very grateful for you. I think the Lord is going to do some super amazing things in the future and this change in email delivery is the first step towards making it possible.

As a side note, if you didn’t see yesterday on our social media posts, the WELLNESS WITNESS SHIRT STORE is open but only until NEXT TUESDAY evening.

There is a new shirt design that I LOVE plus I brought back three of our most popular ones to date: “Fear Less Love More”, “Made for More”, and “Burpees, Squats, and a Whole Lot of Jesus”.
Store is open! 1 week onl2y
This is the last time the store will be open between now and July and some of these designs may not be run again. If there’s one you’ve had your eye on, or if you want to check out our newest design, head over to: .

Thanks, y’all! TALK SOON!

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