It’s been a WHILE since I’ve posted a new SHARING OUR SUCCESSES post. Today, I am SO excited to introduce you to Cayle.
Cayle is a member of our At-Home Tribe and I get the honor of leading not just her, but also her Mama! They sometimes post their post-workout sweaty selfies together and it always blesses me. Cayle is a Senior and is graduating High School THIS Friday! She’s a sweet girl on a journey to honor the Lord with ALL that she has-including her health journey.
I’m excited to feature her story here, because it shows you how small, sustainable changes can lead to so many benefits down the road!
I’ve invited her to write about her journey for you, and I pray that it blesses and encourages you.
I was diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) in 2014 the summer before tenth grade. I always wanted to be that “skinny girl” but I had the mindset of that if I eat healthy for 3 days then I’ll lose five pounds, and I always got devastated when I stepped on the scale and instead of losing weight, I either gained or stayed the same.
For me, it was always about the number whether it be weight or clothing size.
For most of my tenth grade year I did nothing to change my life style. When eleventh grade rolled around I was doing dual enrollment so I had a very flexible schedule. I was not disciplined and I would eat out 2-3 a week just for lunch. It was not until this past fall, which was the beginning of my senior year that I wanted to get healthy and stay healthy.
One of my main reasons is because I will be going off to college this year and I needed to learn self discipline and be accountable for my food actions. I’m not going to have my mom buying healthy groceries every week or telling me what I can/can’t have. It’s time for me to learn for myself. I also wanted to get healthy because I do not want to be 18 and have diabetes.
Last fall was really tough with applying to college and trying to figure out where on earth I’m going to attend. Thanksgiving was really hard for me. We took family pictures and after looking at them, I cried. I did not like the way I looked in the pictures and I was determined that I was going to change.
I started watching my portion sizes and actually lost a couple of pounds, but when Christmas rolled around I gained them all back. It didn’t help that I would be bringing in the New Years in Jacksonville at a Bowl Game or going to Passion in Atlanta where we had to get good on the go. For a solid week I didn’t have one home cooked meal.
The second week of January I realized that my body is a temple to God and that everything that comes from my body needs to glorify him, including the food I eat. I started working out with my mom more using the At-Home Tribe videos, and cutting back on the portions. That’s the biggest thing I have had to change is to eat a smaller amount of what I’m eating.
I also don’t snack as often as I used to. A year ago if my stomach growled I automatically put unhealthy food into it, but now if it growls I drink water and if I am truly hungry I opt for something like a piece of fruit or cheese stick. In my car, I try to keep an extra bottle of water and a pack of almonds with me in case I keep hungry.
The biggest part I struggle with is being an on the go family. Both of my siblings are involved in sports and my dad coaches, so some nights the only way we get dinner is if we eat out.
One trick I have learned is to get a kids meal, or to get a regular meal and not eat it all. I used to go to Zaxbys and get a Kickin Chicken Sandwich and I would eat the entire meal fries and all. Now when I go there, I get the Zax Snack and I usually don’t eat it all. It’s the same with Chick-Fil-A. I opt for their grilled chicken nuggets and fruit cup instead of a sandwich.
Every now and then I’ll splurge and get the sandwich, but it’s not something I do very often. My mom and I try to implement a M, W, F workout schedule because my brother and sister have practices/games on T,Th, & S.
A big motivator for me to get healthy is being able to have kids when I get older. Having PCOS, I will have a difficult time getting pregnant and my doctor tells me all the time that losing weight will help me tremendously.
Since January, I have lost 10-12 pounds. I’m not down a clothing size yet, but my clothes are definitely looser than they were a couple of months ago. I have arm muscles!! 馃檪 I started out at a 5 pound weight and now I’m using 10 pounds and on my way to 12 pounds. My blood pressure has improved as well as my insulin levels. Overall I have so much more energy and I’m able to make it a full day without getting tired. I love love love drinking water, so I definitely get in my daily allotment of that. A big struggle for me is wanting to drink Diet Coke, but I have been able to cut back.
The encouragement I have to offer is to JUST START. For me, starting the workout is always the hardest, but I love the feeling I get afterwards. Starting to eat less was hard, but I survived. Starting to eat healthier was harder, but I don’t regret it at all. You won’t regret any of these things, but I encourage everyone to start. You don’t know what you’re capable of until you do.
The Lord has definitely shown me patience through all of this. I have had to learn to listen to my body. My self-confidence has grown tremendously. I no longer have that big double chin which made me hate taking pictures. Nowadays I love taking pictures and I love showing off my smile. I started looking at myself as someone that the Lord has made in His own image and someone that He pursues! Once you look at yourself in that way your perspective of yourself does a complete 180. My favorite verse is Esther 4:14 and it says “that maybe we were made for such a time as this” and I believe I was.
Thank you for sharing your story with us, Cayle! We are SO proud of you and grateful for the example you are living.
Congratulations on your journey and on your High School Graduation!!!
Nicole says
Such an awesome example for other young girls. Thank you for sharing her story. The fact that she found freedom at such a young age is so very cool!!!
Angie says
Wow, Cayle! You have a beautiful heart and mind. And a beautiful exterior! God gave you wonderful insight and clear, meaningful words to tell your story, and you are blessing me! I rejoice that His Love will continue to sink deeper and transform you more and more into the likeness of Jesus. You and He make a great team!
Jenny R says
Great story!