I am so very excited to share this latest “Sharing our Successes” story with you. I have known Amy for around six years and first became friends with her singing in our church choir.
Her health journey is nothing short of AMAZING and as I was reading it I found myself moved to tears at several points. Amy is inspiring many and I KNOW that you are going to be seriously impacted by her story!
Meet Amy:
to my husband and best friend for 22 years, am the mother of two, a self-employed
bakery owner, and I am a lifelong food addict.
There’s no hiding it.
me, I have been overweight. I can’t even begin to count how many fad diets,
pills, shots, soup and shake quick-fixes that I have half-heartedly tried over
the years. I would lose weight on some of these, get discouraged, and go right
back to overeating.
the form of a photo that my brother-in-law had posted on Facebook of me at my
sister’s college graduation party. There I was, in all of my obese
glory…every roll…every chin…in color, for all to see.
known that I was fat; although, in my mind, I THOUGHT that I was hiding it well
under flowing tops.
that photo, crying. At that moment, I knew that I needed to make some serious
changes, and I needed The Lord’s help to make those changes.
that I was beyond what I’d even dared to think that I weighed….4’10” and
249.8 pounds!
He would guide my steps, my food choices, and give me the stamina and strength
needed to begin working out faithfully.
lose weight, I stumbled across the Paleo plan on Pinterest. I thought,
“Why not?” After all, I’d tried and failed at them all. What’s
one more to add to that list?
discussing the plan, and the changes that we would need to implement as a
family (I was NOT going to fall into the trap of cooking one meal for me and
another for the family), I took my food list, and we went to the grocery
store…and we began Paleo as a family in February 2014. In addition to the
food changes, I began walking each day with a dear friend. Even in the bitter
February temps, rain and sleet, we walked diligently. When I began walking, I
could barely make it to a half mile without being out of breath and having to
rest over and over.
Monday, I spend approximately 4 hours cooking, portioning and labeling meals
for the family. Our refrigerator stays fully stocked with healthy options, so
when a hunger pain hits, I have no excuse for just grabbing an unhealthy food
choice. Everything is ready to go to make it easy for everyone. If you don’t
plan to succeed, you will fail.
32oz water bottle that I refill at least 4 times a day. Water is great to keep
you hydrated, and feeling full in between meal/snack times.
*Exercising is a requirement, not an option. As I lost weight, exercising has
been at the top of my to-do list each day. Not only does it help in losing
weight and toning as you lose, I feel SO GOOD after a workout is
since the day before I started Paleo. I keep track of what I have eaten each
day…current weight…goal weight for the next week…exercise details
(calories burned, specific type of exercise done, and how long I stayed at
it.)…and changes in clothing sizes! It’s amazing to look back over my early
journal entries where I could barely do a half mile of walking without feeling
like I would die, and know that now, I am up to 6 miles per day…and RUNNING!
have spent much of my time on this earth dodging cameras, so I waited until I
had lost 40 pounds before starting to document my physical progress. Now, I
take photos every 10 pounds. Looking back at where I was, and where I am today
still amazes and humbles me, because none of it would be possible without The
truly, it has to be first. Unlike any other attempt that I have ever made over
the years, I pray many times each day for God to guide me every step of the
way. As I run, I pray out loud, “In YOUR strength, Lord, not mine.”
We pray for so much…why not pray for healthy bodies and weight loss?
faithfully SINCE February, I have dropped 83.3 pounds. 馃檪 I
began in 3X tops and size 26/28 pants. Today, I am in large tops, and size
12/14 pants. I have 30.7 pounds remaining between me and my goal weight….and
I KNOW that with God guiding my every step, I am on the track for victory this
has moved in my heart to do something to help others with their struggles with
weight. I now have a clear vision of where He wants me to go, and what He is
leading me to do. I’m very excited for the future, and what He is doing in not
only my life, but my heart.
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