Progress Photos: Jan 2019 (not what you think!)

Home / / Progress Photos: Jan 2019 (not what you think!)

Progress photos!

But, No, probably not the kind you’re thinking.
These two photos? Taken approximately 20 seconds apart.

I could easily post them and tell you that these were taken weeks apart and that the transformation you see is due to stellar food choices and movement.

But, actually, it’s just the same minute, the same body, standing at ease in one, and sucking it all in for the other.

And the truth? My body is the same good body in both.

This body has survived cancer, ran a half marathon, birthed two babies, held the hands of dying family members and kissed the faces of so many that I’ve loved along the way. This body has been the vehicle in which I’ve gotten to experience life, chase big dreams, stand on platforms to speak, fallen to my knees in prayer and with which I can surrender arms high in worship.

This body dances while I plunk my bass guitar when I lead worship and allows me to wrap my arms around those who are struggling. It houses the Spirit that prompts me on what to do and how to live and it overly expresses almost every emotion I am feeling.

This body has stretch marks and laugh lines, wrinkles and cellulite. This body is bigger than industry standards might deem acceptable for the profession I currently serve in and this body has been the very one needed for the people He has given me to lead.

This body is good. I refuse to call it anything else. It’s good because He designed it and it’s good because it allows me to live and laugh and jump and dance and

I won’t shame it because it doesn’t fit well into the new dress I ordered and I won’t condemn it because it hasn’t responded as quickly as I think it should.

The gift of a healthy body? Priceless. Literally. Priceless.

If you’re healthy today- I’m talking to you. Stop being so hard on yourself. Eat well. Move well. Rest well.

But more than that, love well (including the body you are living in).

Progress photo #1 for 2019? This is it.
A free heart that can’t be defined or defeated by a reflection in a mirror.

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