Episode 4: Competition, Comparison, and the way through

Episode 4: Competition, Comparison, and the way through

In this episode we’ll talk about a struggle many of us face: Comparing to others, competing for our place at the table, and how to move through it.

I’ll share my thoughts, encourage you to do things differently, and read you an article that shifted my heart years ago that I still reflect on today.

You can find Ann’s article at: https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/how-3-words-can-stop-whats-stealing-your-joy-instead-of-staying-stuck-in-comparing-and-competing

This episode is brought to you by my Momsanity Affiliate program. I use and love their products so much that I purchase them for myself weekly AND for my family. In fact, their protein powder may be called MOM FUEL but we all four use it here!

If you’d like to learn more and potentially purchase, I would be so grateful. You can go to: www.wellnesswitness.com/favorites

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