One Year Ago

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One year ago, I began a journey to become “fit”. However, over the past 12 months, I didn’t do that. I learned how to become WELL. After trying many of the WRONG ways to get healthy, I finally found the right ways. I lost 19 pounds and 18 inches.

But more than that, I learned.

I learned:

That caring for my physical health enables me to be a better mom to my children, and a better wife to my husband.

That the foods that I put into my body have the power to heal or they have the power to turn me into a carb craving, angry, moody mess.

That real lasting change doesn’t come easy, or wrapped in a neat little package. Real change takes time…consistent effort and progress made in inches, not miles. There are no short-cuts and that plans, pills, and schemes that seem too good to be true…are.

That the choices we make each day affect what we will be able to do years down the road. If I want to be fit to serve those around me and to fulfill whatever ministry calling God has planned, I have to be able to physically handle it.

That “A healthy lifestyle is not about the mirror. It’s about the ONE we’re trying to mirror” Jimmy Pena

That striving to take better care of our health is Biblical, as long as we don’t allow it to become an idol or source of pride. We are called to be good stewards. As the church we really like to preach about being good stewards of our time, our talents, and our money, but we rarely talk about stewarding our health. We were bought with a price and are to honor God with our bodies (1 Cor. 6:20)

That sometimes people won’t understand why you don’t choose the same things as they do and they may not be supportive. Sometimes they will laugh about the things you’re trying to accomplish, demean you with comments to others about you, or refuse to support you. Press on anyway.

That using food to fulfill any need that I should be taking to God is a sin.

That we are called to be a “living and holy sacrifice” (Romans 12:1). Our bodies belong to God. I am not the owner, but I get to be the manager of it for a short time.

That because I’ve accepted the Holy Spirit, my body is a temple. It is not my place to abuse it. God expects me to steward my health well. We are told that one day we will give an account for how well we managed everything He gave us. I choose to apply this principle to my health, also.

That you will not suddenly be healthy. It doesn’t happen haphazardly. It is intentional. One good choice after another.

That finally becoming WELL isn’t so that I can display my physique with pride, but to use my body as an instrument of service, ready for use by God at any time. I’m not trying to gain His acceptance or favor. Because I’ve already got it, I desire to please Him in every area of my life- including the health that He has given me.

That we are each on an individual journey and must extend grace to one another. Always grace. Always love.


Since I first began Wellness Witness, the Lord has done so much! He’s formed a vibrant online community called the At-Home TRIBE, helped me launch live classes, led me to speaking engagements, helped me start virtual business and health coaching, led to me getting to train up new instructors for Revelation Wellness, grown our social media influence, inspired me to write a 28-day program called Finally Free and also a meal planning/recipe resource called The Good Enough Guide to Healthy Eating, and much more.

He’s also shifted my heart.

When this journey first began, it was all about healthy eating and exercise that is Christ centered.
And that is still important to me…it is.

But it’s not my sole focus.

This community and platform has evolved quite a bit and although I still enjoy teaching you about healthy eating and movement, it’s not my main focus.

The Lord is working and shifting things in my heart and in this ministry, and I’m trying to listen and follow. Some changes are ahead for Wellness Witness and I’m excited to follow the Lord into whatever it is that He has for us!

Reader Interactions


  1. Hi Kara, I recently came across your site via a rabbit trail that began with Revelation Wellness, which I found several months ago, but set aside. I worked out last week to your “10-minute faith based metabolic at-home workout” Wow! I think my heart was finally able to hear what God has been trying to impress upon me about my body and my health. I cried at the end of my workout and it wasn’t because I was in so much pain, lol. Thank you for your obedience to what God has called you to because He has used you as a witness tool for me. I did the workout again this morning and let the words God spoke through you settle deep in my soul. It was beautiful. Thank you and I look forward to joining your at-home program next month.

    • I’m so glad to hear from you. Thank you for your kind words. God meets us there when we open up our hearts and invite Him in. SO glad to hear how He showed up for you during the workouts!

  2. I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your amazing story, and for being transparent. God has me on this journey, but I am not really progressing, I don’t feel. Maybe there needs to be some more repentance on my part. My head says all the right things, but my body won’t cooperate!! I am just having a hard time MOVING!! God is beginning to speak words of life into my head and heart about sins against my body and health being paid for with His blood! I want to see the high price he paid, every moment of every day, and stop abusing my body with food and lack of exercise. I am fairyly healthy, albeit chronic pain from injury–probably a lot from abusing my body with food and lack of exercise. Lord Jesus, please help me in this area.
    So again, thank you for being obedient to Him in this area. I know it wasn’t easy….goodness!! The pictures speak VOLUMES about your journey. Congratulations on your freedom in this….continue to minister and be used by God for “us”–our freedom also!

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