This coming Thursday, February 26th, another platoon of fearless men and women will begin their journey towards Revelation Wellness Instructor certification.I have received messages from many of you that have specific questions about this journey, what to expect, if you are qualified, if it’s worth it, and more.
In order to make sure you can follow my journey from beginning to end, I thought it would be helpful to put up this post that chronicles my RevelationWellness journey from Day 1 until now.
My answers to your messages are always along these lines:
Worth it.
If He has called you, He will equip you.
Don’t run- submit.
If it’s in your heart to do but it seems impossible financially or otherwise, PRAY. Ask some trusted friends to pray. He will bring it about if it is part of His plan for your life.
This is about so much more than fitness. This is freedom and Original Design.
It is family.
It is life changing.
I cannot recommend it highly enough.
I know it is scary. I know it seems like a big financial investment. I know the calling may make no sense to you right now and I know you may not be a “fitness person”. Even if you never lead one fitness class or teach 1 Weigh Less to Feed More session, it will be worth it. The insight and truth I gained are invaluable.
I am praying you in to this family, friends. I don’t stand to gain anything if you join, other than the beauty and joy of seeing a sister or brother learning to walk in freedom and being equipped to teach others to do the same. There is an army rising up and I am so incredibly grateful to be a part.
If you’ve got time, read each of the following posts and then if you have any questions, please feel free to email me or facebook me through my
facebook page .
And if you’re interested, DON’T WASTE ONE SECOND. Head over to
their website
and click on
this link and then enter your information to LEARN MORE so you can get your enrollment conversation started.
My Revelation Wellness Instructor Journey
Reader Interactions