I’m so excited for y’all to meet Tribe member, Lauren. You’re going to be so inspired by her journey!
Meet Lauren from Georgia!
How old are you? 39
Are you married? Do you have kids?
Yes, Chris and I have been married since 1999. We grew up in the church nursery together, but didn’t really become friends until high school. I was the baseball manager and he played on the baseball team. We didn’t start dating until I was 17 and he turned 18. I asked him out on our first date for his 18th birthday. We have 3 kids — Cayle, is a college freshman, Caitlin is in 8th grade and Cooper is in 3rd grade. Chris and I are both teachers. He is a high school health teacher and coaches softball and golf. I teach EIP for kindergarten and 1st graders. This is my 17th year teaching.
Tell us a little bit about your journey:
This is a complicated question to answer. I have been on this journey of trying to be healthy for a long time. I have tried weight watchers – several times, belly fat cure, weight loss God’s way, Curves exercise meal plans, wheat belly and done numerous searching for how to “eat right and lose weight”.
When I joined the TRIBE, I wasn’t doing any sort of meal planning. I just knew I felt terrible. I focused on just doing the workouts and worshiping. I did that for a while and was seeing inches go away. Then, I was diagnosed with PCOS. I went on meds and didn’t really see much change with weight loss. At this point, the weight loss was needed to have a better quality of life and not for vain reasons. I would try each weekend to get my act together with eating protein and produce and would fall so quickly back into the sweet tooth and coke trap.
This past December I really had enough of feeling sick and tired all the time. I had spoken to a friend at work who was doing weight watchers and had PCOS and was getting healthy. I was very hesitant and prayed about going in this direction because I was experiencing the freedom Kara always talks about and didn’t want to completely be obsessed with a program. I signed up, with complete caution to have my guard up, for weight watchers Dec 30, 2017. I went in with the mindset of “I knew the best way for my body to eat is through more protein/produce and limited carbs”. The new Program they have been promoting is eating foods that are considered “free foods”. For me, this moved me to wanting to eat correctly because the free foods are what I needed to be eating….fruits/veggies/chicken/eggs. I have been able to lose 25 pounds since Dec 30. I feel better. I really want to stress though, that had I not been in the TRIBE and been working on my heart and mindset so much prior to joining weight watchers…I don’t believe my priorities would be in the order they should be in, like they are now. For me, I have found a healthy balance of freedom.
One food you can’t live without? Mexican and my Trader Joe’s Liquid Stevia
What is your worst habit? Thinking I’m not qualified/being insecure
What is one thing you love most about yourself? my smile and my hair
What is something hardly anyone knows about you? I danced in the Halftime show for the 1994 Super bowl and the Opening Ceremonies of the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta
What is your favorite type of exercise? step aerobics and kickboxing
How did you learn about the At-Home Tribe? google searching for Jesus centered workouts —- I joined Dec 30, 2015!
What is a dream you have for your life? To become and assistant principal and a Fitness Teacher/Gospel Preacher through RevWell
What is your favorite bible verse? Well, this usually depends on what season I am going through in my life. In my college years it was Jeremiah 29:11. When I was helping do 24 hour care for my grandmother it was John 3:16…because she spent so much time sharing with that verse meant to her. When I went through having gestational trophoblastic disease and having to have chemo to treat it, I clung to Psalm 46:10 and Psalm 4:8. This year I have claimed the verse from Isaiah 43:18-19…..because I am not dwelling on the past, but watching Him do a new thing in me.
List one of your favorite recipes:
My favorite thing this week was making Chicken alfredo with zoodles.
What is your favorite thing about the At-Home Tribe?
I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to say to answer this question, because I could talk about it a long time. The TRIBE just fit what my soul was longing for in my life. The combination of exercise and worship is beyond what I can describe. I can just say I don’t view it as exercise and dread doing it. My mind set has been changed about how I view being able to move my body. Spiritually I have grown so much because I am seeing God in all things.
It has only been the last couple of years since I found wellness witness and the truth that is constantly told to me.
1. I am loved
2. I am worthy
3. I am free
4. I am made for a purpose
5. I am qualified
6. I am forgiven
That I have started living with the godly confidence and living loved like I should be.
I love Kara’s workouts and teachings. I also love the facebook group. The ladies are always welcoming, never judging. In the social media craze…..this group is so refreshing!
If you could give ONE tip to someone just starting out their health journey, what would it be?
For me it was to just press play. The tribe workouts did more for my soul than anything else when I first started. And drink water!! I started small and just kept making small changes.
We’re so PROUD of you, Lauren and so grateful you’re a part of the Tribe!
(For fun, if y’all want to read her daughter’s story which we posted a year ago, go HERE).
In case you’re interested in joining the Tribe I wanted to give you a heads up that the doors are closing to all new members on May 30th for at least a few months. When we re-open, the content will be different, and the monthly rate will be higher. If you’ve ever considered joining us, now is the time so that you can lock in the lowest rate that won’t increase as long as you are a member.
Find out more at: www.athometribe.com .
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