A year and a half ago, my little boy started Kindergarten.
Just like most Mamas, I anticipated this day with great apprehension, sadness, as well as some excitement. I grieved the passing of time and how quickly this little one had grown. The phrase that you hear so often when your kids are little really DOES ring true when looking back…”The days are long but the years are short”.
I had sent his older sister off to school two years before, so I knew that it would be a good experience. I knew that he would be well taken care of, that he would be taught new concepts, that he would make new friends, and he would face grand new adventures.
But my Mama heart? SO very sad.
(If you’ve been with me for a long time, you may remember reading THIS post that I wrote for all weary Mamas sending their babies off to school.)
That day came and went and he did great.
For the most part, he loves school. He’s made some really amazing friends, has had two phenomenal teachers, and is learning way more than I could have ever anticipated.
I remember driving to the school to pick him up that first day and how excited I was to see him and to hear how his day went. When I pulled up to the car-rider line and he saw me, his eyes lit up and he used his little hand to wave me over. I could see something in his clenched fist, but wasn’t sure what it was.
When he got into the car, I greeted him with hugs and kisses and much celebration that he had finished his first day of school. Once he got seated and buckled, I asked him what he was holding in his hand.
He held it out to me, opened his fingers, and this is what I saw:
This crumpled up slip of paper may not look like much to you. This was a note that I had tucked into his lunch box that day. All I had quickly written on it that morning was “I love you”.
When I asked him what he was doing with it in his hand he said, “I found it at lunch. It says ‘I love you’. It made me feel braver so I kept it in my hand all day.”
Come. On.
Knowing he was loved made him brave enough to face the day.
And in that moment, the Lord reminded me- if we would just hold onto HIS love in that same way, we would feel braver. We would be able to step forward more free. We would be able to accept new callings and challenges. We would be able to love the difficult people around us better, and maybe even to love ourselves a little more.
If only I can remember how much I am loved then I CAN STOP STRIVING.
If only I could hold onto that Love then I could stop hustling for my worth.
If only I can learn to walk forward as a LOVED daughter then I would more easily be able to love others.
It would change everything.
Just like my 5 year old clutching a love note from his mama, I want to be a woman who has fully put on the title that the Lord has given to me: LOVED, ACCEPTED DAUGHTER.
He’s given it to you, too, friend.
You: Fully known. Fully loved. Fully accepted.
What would change today if we lived like it?
I would love to hear from you in the comments below. Let’s talk about it!
vicki says
Love this I did not know you had a blog. I love reading blogs. I am so glad that I have found you you are so inspirational to me. Thanks for all of you encouraging words.
Kara says
Thank you!!! I’m so glad! 🙂