At-Home TRIBE Member Testimonials

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You’ve read the info and you’ve watched the video, but you’re still not completely convinced that you need to join us in the At-Home TRIBE.

Here are some client testimonials that may help you make up your mind:

“There were two things that attracted me to join the TRIBE: 1-that the workouts are portable and I can do them anywhere I have phone/internet
2- that the workouts bring the focus back to Christ and off of myself . I love the support from other women and being able to be transparent without fear of judgment.
Years ago, one of my favorite things to do was go for a run, but after massive weight gain and neglecting my health I couldn’t run 3O seconds without stopping and my whole body would hurt. I now run 2-4 miles a couple of times a week. I checked my running app last night and since joining in February I have ran 74.5 miles and burned almost 15,000 calories. The workouts are a direct contributor to this. The strength exercises and metabolic workouts have given me the ability to move…literally. To date I’ve lost 60lbs, 30/35 of that have been since I joined Tribe. 

The program is not about strict diets and strict workouts. There is accountability, but there is GRACE.

-Emilee J

“Not only am I now 35 pounds lighter than last year this time, but my heart has healed in ways that I didn’t know I needed.  I am stronger and healthier both physically and spiritually.”

“You can strengthen your body and your spirit with these workouts.  Spiritual strength and physical strength are not mutually exclusive.  You can obtain both at the same time”. -Meredith

“My worth isn’t tied to a number on the scale or the tag in my clothes. God gave me the body I have right now, right then for a reason. I have freedom from that constant feeling of defeat and comparison. I’ve also been able to get back to running, with the freedom to enjoy my run. Not comparing it to  past times or what I used to do, and feeling good that I have legs that can move- slow or fast I’m still able. Truly grateful for the gift of health God has granted me!” – Shannon

“Joining the tribe was a good option for me in so many ways:  I could do the workouts on my own time (most days it is when my toddler naps).  The price was something that could fit into my stay-at-home budget. And, once I did the workouts, I found out that the burn of the workouts was fantastic.  I thoroughly enjoy the spiritual challenge and encouragement with each workout as well as the accountability through the online community.
The nutrition training from Kara has also been eye-opening.  (I had previously been on medication for pre-diabetes, and had had gestational diabetes requiring insulin with all three of my pregnancies.) Because of the working out and nutrition training, I have have positive blood work at medical check-ups and have been able to go off of my pre-diabetes medication.   My body is stronger and my clothes fit differently.  I have been challenged spiritually since beginning this program.  I learned that taking care of my body is an act of stewardship.  Moving is a “get to”.  I had never seen exercise or eating healthy in that light before.  Joining the tribe has been life changing for me.  It has aided my spiritual and physical health in a way I could never imagine.” -Emilee M

What results have you seen after being a part of the tribe? Physically I never thought I’d lose my big rear end or have any kind of muscle tone. After 1 year of Wellness Witness both of those have happened. It was never something I really gave to the Lord, I assumed that my body was this shape and it would always be that way. I was so blown away that He gave me the desires of my heart when it felt like such a silly, selfish thing. My heart has changed in so many ways too. I feel more free to listen to my body when it tells me that it doesn’t like certain things (gluten, dairy, sugar, to name a few), and that when I listen I don’t have to get legalistic or have a pity party about it. Eating well for my body is an act of worship too.
-If someone you knew was considering joining the Tribe, what would you tell them? Do it! Even if you do one workout a week with a toddler hanging off your leg it’s still a message you need to hear. Also God truly cares how you move your body. It’s not just up to you what happens to your body, and when you move it for Him you will be changed inside and out.” – Rosanna
“This, my friends, is what strong feels like…opening your heart to the Lord and leaving the results up to Him. I just thought I looked at felt the best when I was at the lowest weight, but the Lord has shown me otherwise. I’m finally able to see past my flaws and insecurities and see how wonderfully I am made! I don’t think I would have ever viewed my health the way I do now if it wasn’t for Kara and this Tribe!” -Amber

“The biggest change in my life since joining the tribe this past March is by far the condition of my heart. The Lord has revealed strongholds to me and is freeing me from them in His perfect timing. I notice a huge difference in my attitude when I don’t make the greatest choices. I used to go straight to beating myself up, having a pity party, focusing on the food and my body, and letting it turn into a weeklong binge. But God! He is so good. I now see myself turning back to Him just moments after walking in the flesh instead of letting myself continue to fall. Do I get it right every time? No, but I now count each step in the right direction as a victory as I have stopped expecting perfection. 
Physically speaking, I can definitely tell that my body has changed! More muscle, less fat. I feel stronger and have doubled the amount of weight I use during workouts. It’s amazing to me how much the condition of my body isn’t my greatest success since starting the tribe. When all along I was convinced that true happiness could only be achieved with the perfect body. Not true! Taking care of this body God blessed me with through exercise and nutrition truly is my “get to” now.”
“I’ve gained a lot from my journey to freedom and becoming a better version of myself, I have learn to LOVE MYSELF flaws and all, to give myself grace when I don’t make right choices and to try to make the next one a right one and move on, I have gained disciple and will power and I believe in myself. Since then I have the energy I have never had, I no longer need a nap every day, my lower back has not hurt since I can’t remember when (that’s how long it has been, it used to hurt on a regular basis). I’m getting closer to keeping up with my kids and they feel proud of me for doing what is right for my body.” – Karen

“-Before joining the tribe, I struggled most with being consistent.  I tried many programs and would only stick with it for a week or so and then start over with something else.  I also struggled with the scale – I would weight sometimes up to 3 times a day.  I was obsessive with withholding foods and then would binge to reward myself after a week of being “good”.
I had followed Wellness Witness for quite a while and when you opened up the option of the At Home Tribe, I jumped right on it.  It was just what I needed – the feel of community and encouragement along with being able to work out in the comfort of my own home.
I love the encouragement from the other members and that they are there to pray, cheer me on or just simply for those “know how you feel” moments.  It is a journey that we take together and I love that.  I also love that my kids see me working out AND worshiping God – I love that they can see that it is possible to do both.
What results have you seen after being a part of the tribe? I stopped being a slave to the scale – do I still weigh, yes, but not nearly as much.  I am stronger – it is exciting when I can increase my weight for the workouts.  I have been able to fit in jeans that I wasn’t able to wear for at least 2 years.  I have done my first “boy” push up in my LIFE!  I realize that “me” time is important and taking the 20-30 minutes to workout is important and by doing that – I have more energy and better ability to take care of my family.

The worship that happens during the workouts is special.  I love how Kara’s ends the workouts by praying over us.  There have been days that I am working out in tears – not from the workout itself – but from just worshiping God as I move.  The Holy Spirit shows up and changes me from the inside out.” -Mandy

“I bought the November 2015 workout package of Wellness Witness. It was more than what my body needs, it is what my heart and soul needed to hear. I still sometimes struggle.  I’ve reached out for help but more that anything Wellness Witness has been what I’ve needed to hear. I needed to hear “do you want to be fit or do you want to be well?”, I’ve needed to hear from a fellow mama (that doesn’t even know me or my situation) “I’m in it with you”.

 I have seen a huge change in my body. I’ve gained the majority of my strength back and my pre-pregnancy clothes fit. But those things aren’t nearly as important as the closeness with Christ through this journey. He will pull me through this. He will guide me to be well.” – Brittany


What do you like best about being a member of the At-Home Tribe? You are so real and so encouraging.  I feel I can relate to you so well.  The other women in the tribe are quick to help and pray for each other. What results have you seen after being a part of the tribe? While I have not lost any physical weight, a HUGE spiritual weight has been lifted!  I am starting to see that the number on the scale or on my jeans does not matter.  What matters most is where my heart is at with the Lord. Also, I don’t do the “I’ll start again Monday anymore.  Thank God!” – Jodi

“The Tribe is a support group for living a “real life”.” Toni

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