Getting Back on Track when you REALLY don’t want to

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Chances are really likely that you enjoyed some delicious (and probably unhealthy) food this past week. Chances are also likely that you’ve started to lose some of your motivation in your healthy living journey.


back on track
This was the focus of today’s Monday Morning Motivation Video which you can watch here:

or by clicking on THIS LINK.

I wanted to give you a few strategies and tips for getting BACK ONTO THE WAGON when you’ve fallen off and you’ve lost your motivation to get back on.

This is from my E-Book that I’ve been working on and hope to have ready in early 2016. I believe that it may be the extra boost that you need and to remind you of WHY this all matters.

Do yourself a favor and watch the video above and then read the passage below. Then spend some time in prayer and ask the Lord to remind you of what He has called you to do.

And please join me again tomorrow where we’ll talk about December- the months where diets go to die!

From my E-book:

Commitment: Staying loyal to what you said you were going to do long after the feeling you said it in has left you.

By now, you may be growing weary of making healthy changes. You might be tired of drinking water, tired of making changes that are so very opposite of what you’ve done for the past many years.

It gets hard.

Here’s what you need to do: Go back to your WHY.

Pull out your motivation journal and read through the reasons of why you decided to make this commitment. Remind yourself of what God has been revealing to you along the way. Reflect on the way that you want for things to be one year from now.

There are going to be moments that are harder than others. When you are really struggling, stop and pray. Ask God to help you through. Call a friend. Chew some gum. Go for a walk. Journal. Dance and sing. Brush your teeth. Do whatever you can to stay busy.


Statistics say that the average person who goes on a “diet” will be OFF of the diet with 59 hours. FIFTY NINE HOURS. Two and a half days. Then they throw in the towel, stuff their faces full of junk until the next week and then they start again. I LIVED this roller coaster for a few years. Maybe you have, too?

The truth is, even though we are not on a “diet” and instead trying to create lifelong change, there are probably going to be times that you blow it. I’m 99.9999% sure, and I’m 100% okay with it.

Each time that we make a poor choice, instead of beating ourselves up over it, let’s use it as a chance to gather new information about ourselves.

Did we restrict our foods/calories too greatly early on in the day that led to an evening binge? Did we get far too little sleep the night before which led to major sugar cravings at the 3 p.m. slump? Did we indulge in too many processed carbs that led to a blood sugar spike and then a drop which left us needing more? Or are we once again using food to cope with feelings that are meant to be taken to the Lord?

When you mess up, there are a few things you must do:

1– Gather Information. Stop and consider what factors could have contributed to your misstep. Now think through how you can handle it differently next time.
2- Don’t beat yourself up. Yes, you maybe blew it. It could be something small like that you chugged a bottle of your favorite soft drink, or maybe you went completely rogue and ate an entire pizza and half gallon of ice cream. It’s okay. It’s done. Your worth isn’t any different than it was before you went off track. Now proceed to step 3.
3- Get back on track. This is CRITICAL. Since we are NOT on a diet, we don’t have to wait until Monday to begin again. You can get right back to taking care of your health the very next time that you eat or drink. Once you master this skill, everything will change for you. You’ll stop living in the two extremes of either being ON a diet or OFF of a diet and instead you’ll start living in a way that is sustainable and enjoyable.

Prayer for Today:
We confess that sometimes it gets hard. Sometimes we want to throw in the towel, throw our hands up in the air, and walk away from the commitments we’ve made. Help us remember, Lord. Help us to press forward even when everything in us wants to turn around. You have called us to a new way of living and although it may be difficult, we know that You wouldn’t lead us anywhere that wasn’t worth going. Remind us, Father, that we are laying down the groundwork for all of our tomorrow’s. Remind us, God, that the way we take care of our body today will affect how well we can serve those around us. And remind us, Lord, that even when we get it wrong, you love us right back to You. Thank you.

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