Ditch Your Resolutions Day

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Did you know today is literally labeled by many as “Ditch Your Resolutions Day”? No, I’m not kidding.

I heard it on the radio and then later got a text from a local ice cream shop inviting me to “ditch my resolution” and drop by to fill up a cup.

I guess I get it. Quick fixes are hard to stick with. Extreme dieting, over-exercising, obsessing over macro counting, carb cycling…all of it can be a LOT- and entirely too much to manage for long if done with the wrong motivations. And I’m sure somewhere along the way, you’ve been tempted to (or already have) quit.

But, what if we were called to something else? What if instead of determining that we’d do all the things perfectly just because the calendar flipped to January, what if we just offered up our obedience to whatever we are feeling called towards?

Maybe it IS changing your diet, macro tracking, or implementing a new exercise program. Maybe it’s adding in a few healthy habits that feel sustainable and life giving. Maybe it’s gradually moving your bedtime earlier to ensure you get enough sleep, or maybe it’s implementing technology limits in your home. Maybe it’s Scripture memory or time in the Word.

Whatever the things we’ve been called to are- what if we gauged our success solely by this: OBEDIENCE?

Not feeling like a failure and quitting because we don’t always get it right, but instead remembering that five steps forward and two steps back still means we are three steps further than we were when we begun.

Instead of ditching our resolutions today, what if we determine to dig into remembering what we’ve been called to do and then remembering why it matters? What if we reframe or shift our goals if needed because our motivation may have been wrong when we set them, and instead we try again, but this time in freedom and joy?

You’re not giving up. Not you, not this time. Rest, reframe, and try again. Not ditching- but digging in. Not despairing, but determining to continue towards the things you’ve been called to.

Let’s go.

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