December At-Home Program now available!!!

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I had considered not releasing a December program at all, and then I started receiving the kindest emails from our At-Home members. They said things like: “I have so much more energy now! I feel stronger and for the first time in my life, I’m looking forward to exercise!”, and “I never know how much our spiritual health is tied to our physical health. I love that not only am I getting a good workout, but I’m spending time in worship with the Lord. Many workouts I cry while I’m moving because God is speaking to me so clearly.”

I know that December is typically the month where all diets die , but I also know that there are many of you who are determined to finish 2015 strong. And so because of that, I went ahead and put together a December plan for you. To know what all is included in the December plan with a printout of each, you can watch this video.


(if you’re viewing this in your email, go to to see the video)

This is a digital document that can be purchased directly and then printed and/or downloaded to your computer.

Here’s what all is included in your DIGITAL DOWNLOAD:
-Links to FOUR private videos of full length FAITH BASED Metabolic Workouts. These will be scheduled and repeated to last you the entire month. They are yours to keep forever. This month one of the workouts includes kickboxing and some drumsticks!!!
-A PDF copy of each workout that you can print and take to the gym with you or to use at home.
-Monthly Calendar to help you know when to workout, which video to do, and that offers either a daily tip or a daily challenge.
-Bonus Sprint Interval Training video link
-Full Introduction Video link to walk you through each step of the program
-A list of my top 7 tips for SUCCESS!
-A tracking sheet so that you can monitor your physical changes from the beginning of the month to the end.
-A modification list for those that have knee pain and need to modify some of the exercises.
-Weekly emails with encouragement, recipes, bonus workouts, and helpful tips and information.

I really wanted to make this program affordable for everyone, so I set the price at $12. 

$12 for a full month’s worth of workouts and encouragement!

I’ve put a lot of thought, prayer, sweat, and work into this package and am praying that it will be a blessing to you in your individual journeys towards learning to steward your health well for HIS glory. I hope that you will decide that this package may be a good fit for you, and that you’ll decide to purchase it.

If so, you can head over to:

and click “I Want This”. It will lead you through step by step for how to purchase and download.

In case you’re still not sure, here are some questions that you may be asking:

When I purchase, what format will this be in? Upon purchase you will be given access to immediately download your PDF file. It will also be emailed to you and you can either download it, or access it from the GumRoad website directly. You can bookmark the workout videos on your computer for fast access.
What type training will it be? WellnessWitness Workouts are based around the concept of Metabolic Conditioning/Training which means we are going to use challenging hand weights and do
exercises that combine multiple muscle groups at the same time. The workouts can be intense, or they can be modified for your personal abilities.
Can I do these workouts from home? YES! When I first began my health journey, this is the exact same style workouts that I did and I would do them in my family room while my children watched a television show.  You can also print out the PDF plan for the workout and do it at the gym.
What equipment is needed?  1: A set of hand weights that are challenging. I’ll talk more about this in the introduction video, but you want to use a weight that is challenging, yet that you can still lift while maintaining proper form. 2:  a yoga mat or towel, and 3: a WILLING SPIRIT.  For the Bonus video you’ll want to use a set of drumsticks or a substitute for them such as kitchen spoons.
How long are these workouts? Not including your warm-up or cool-down, these workouts are TWENTY MINUTES LONG. Because of the type training that we do, twenty minutes is as long as you need. Truly.
Will I only have access to these videos during December? No! Once you purchase this first Volume of At-Home Workouts, the links (and the videos) are yours to keep forever! We ask that you do not post the link publicly or distribute to friends who have not also purchased the program.
Will an Internet connection be required? If you are watching the videos and working out along with me, then YES, you will need to be connected to the internet. If that’s not an option for you, you can print out the PDF and use it as your guide. I recommend that you use the online Videos, however, so that you can get the Biblical teaching and encouragement as often as possible.
There are only 5 workouts included. How will this last me for the entire month? You will repeat each of the three metabolic workout videos once each week. For example, you would do Workout #1 on Monday, Workout #2 on Wednesday, and Workout #3 on Friday. The following week, you would repeat this same order. Each month, I will release another set of exercise videos so that you can have new workouts! You’ll have the option to add in the bonus Sprint Interval workout one to two times per week, also. And, I’ll email out a couple bonus videos during the month that you can add in to your rotation.
If I purchase this set of the At-Home Program am I obligated to purchase again each month? NO. This is a onetime purchase. If you determine that you love the program and want to continue on, you will have the option to purchase the next set at the end of next month. NO ONGOING COMMITMENT!
–The workouts sound great, but I’m not really into the whole “Jesus thing”. Will I still enjoy the program? Honest answer- Jesus is the point. So although you can still get a good workout using this plan, you’re also going to get a whole lot of Jesus and prayer and encouragement. The workouts are secondary to the Word of God and the truth He speaks over us while we are moving.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to email me at:

Again, the link to purchase is

Thank you for supporting this little ministry and for taking the first step in your new journey towards honoring God with ALL things- including your health! I am so very proud of you! As always, I will be praying for you and cheering you on!!!

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