Hello, Friends!
Hope that this past week has been a good one for you. We have been in the middle of a winter wonderland and I have greatly enjoyed extra time at home with family and friends.
While snowed in, I got to make some much needed updates and changes to this website.
I’ve you’ve viewed the website lately, you’ve probably noticed it got a big facelift this past week.
After struggling to overcome my lack of technology skills, I finally decided to forgo the self hosted wordpress site and went back to where I first started blogging on the software that I was comfortable with…blogger.
For you, this won’t change much other than I will be able to make my posts more visually appealing and the site will be more easily accessed for mobile users.
There is one downside, for those of you that have pinned different posts or recipes on Pinterest, these pins will no longer work. Same thing goes for any posts that you may have bookmarked.
When I moved the site over, the post formats changed which means that the saved/bookmarked/pinned addresses are now incorrect. I am so sorry for any frustration this may cause for you.
I’ve made updated pins for all of the recipes that you can access HERE which is where I will pin all future Wellness Witness posts.
You can also use the SEARCH feature on the homepage of this website any time you need to quickly locate a post or recipe. I’ve also created a recipe index that you can access at the top of the home page of the website that lists all recipes for you.
Hopefully moving forward the technical side of things will run much more smoothly.
I am so excited for all that is to come through Wellness Witness and through each of you. It’s going to be an amazing journey, friends! If you haven’t yet joined us over at the Facebook page, I encourage you to do so by clicking HERE. Once there, click LIKE and then you’ll be subscribed to any Wellness Witness updates on the Facebook page.
Hope each of you has an amazing week! If you need anything, don’t hesitate to email me.
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