I’ve started a new weekly series over on the Wellness Witness Facebook page. Basically each Wednesday morning I will post a product/food/exercise/etc that has helped me on my health and fitness journey. I also ask readers to post their favorite health/fitness items. Today was the first day and I shared a picture of my favorite […]
Read MoreI had three separate conversations today with people that are trying to get healthy. Three separate people with three different goals. Three unique bodies with different metabolisms, food sensitivities, preferences, and millions of other variables. But each of them was struggling with this whole “Getting Healthy” journey in the same ways. They are each doing […]
Read MoreOne year ago, I began a journey to become “fit”. However, over the past 12 months, I didn’t do that. I learned how to become WELL. After trying many of the WRONG ways to get healthy, I finally found the right ways. I lost 19 pounds and 18 inches. But more than that, I learned. […]
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