Back to Work…

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Today is officially my last day of summer vacation. 

This summer has been the best (and also the fastest) of my life.

I have learned a lot about myself and about my calling. I have watched my kids play and laugh and grow. We have slept in, we have stayed up late, and we have had FUN. The Summer was full of traveling, days at the pool, movie nights, and jumping on the trampoline.

I am so very grateful for a job that gives me time off in the summer and grateful for the 6 weeks that I had to be a full-time Mama. I’ve loved being able to launch the Wellness Witness Workout group, and also leading the Made to Crave Bible study at my church for the past 6 weeks. Having an hour or two each afternoon to work on the blog has been amazing, and I have realized that faith based fitness is absolutely an area that I am called to serve in.

This summer has taught me that sometimes, we just need to jump in even when afraid and that where God calls, God provides.

I don’t know what the next school year holds, or where I will be by this time next year. Of course I would love to see Wellness Witness expand and become a full-time ministry, but that may not be what God has in store for me. And I’m okay with that, too.

Fortunately, I LOVE my regular job as a School Counselor, and know that there is work to be done there, also. I hope to be able to continue bringing you new content at least several times a week and to keep actively posting on the Wellness Witness Facebook Page.

In case I haven’t told you this lately, thank you for joining me in this adventure. Thanks for your kind words, for your encouragement, and for your willingness to support this little ministry of mine. I am so blessed by each of you.

Love you!

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