An Update… RevWell Training Begins!

Home / / An Update… RevWell Training Begins!

For those that have been following along for a while, you have read a lot about my dream of enrolling in Revelation Wellness Instructor Training and how God delivered it right to me.

For those just joining us here at Wellness Witness, here’s the abbreviated version:

Thirteen months ago I first heard about Revelation Wellness and began to pray
about if it was something I was called towards. I had never heard of fitness and faith being combined in such an effective, Christ centered way and I remember weeping as I watched their intro video.

Eight months ago, I was
burdened over knowing it was something I was called towards,  but had no
idea how It could ever be possible. I followed the advice that Alisa Keeton gave and asked a few people to begin praying for direction and that IF it was the right plan for me to follow, that doors would be thrown wide open. (I didn’t tell them what I was praying about, just that I had something I felt called to do)
 Five months ago God threw open the doors and prepared the way for me to begin this journey and on Sunday night, we began. 

Our first class “meeting” was led by Alisa Keeton, the founder of Revelation Wellness, and she used our hour together to cast the vision for what we are embarking on. Throughout the time she was speaking I was frantically writing notes, but also wiping away tears and shouting “amen” and “yes!”.

Her words echo in my heart and I feel a call rising up that I cannot silence. And I’m connecting with other people with the same desires, the same calling, the same passions to see people be set FREE. Amazing.

Last night we met for our first Monday night session, and I got to meet the other 36 brave souls that have enrolled in this class, as well as several of our instructors and the Rev Core team.

I cannot
put into words the anticipation I have and how many prayers have led up
to this point.
I’ll try to keep you updated weekly on how things are going and on what all we are learning. It’s sure to be an amazing journey, and will not be without challenges and spiritual attacks. Pray for each of us and for our families. Pray for those we are going to one day serve and that God will reveal to each of us exactly what He wants us to do and how we are being equipped for His purposes.

I’m ready to see God move and ready to be training so I can
join in on the work He is already doing.

#sendmeillgo #lovegreaterthanfear #revwelltrain

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