Hope: the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best.
Have you ever been in a situation in which you had no hope?
I HOPE not, but chances are likely that you have.
I think about 1 Thessalonians 4:13 which says, “…so you will not grieve like people who have no hope.”
I am so grateful that no matter how bad things get, I have HOPE because I have Jesus.
But the truth is that hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people do not.
They don’t know that there is an answer to every problem. They don’t know that there is a way to have the peace that surpasses all understanding. And they don’t know what joy they are missing.
An Organization called CityServe launched an initiative called HOPEFEST which began as a group of pastors and churches that sought out opportunities to be more present in their communities.
CityServe Arizona’s HopeFest event in Phoenix brings the community together to meet the immediate needs of the uninsured, under-insured and under-served neighbors, and then connects them to resources that facilitate long-term
solutions, independence and stability.
Through a collaboration of helping agencies, organizations and individuals, thousands of people receive FREE medical, dental, vision, food, housing, haircuts, clothing, personal care products, employment services, child safety needs and so much more.
Along with those services that they are getting at this event, they are also gaining HOPE.
Revelation Wellness is a sponsor of this event and shows up each year to offer people the HOPE that is gained through Christ alone.
The first time I watched this video about HopeFest, I cried. When I watch it now, I still cry.
(If reading this in your email, click HERE to see the video).
As you’ll see when watching it, they aren’t just teaching these people a few new exercise moves- they are MOVING in LOVE. They are showing others that they are valuable, created by God, and worth loving.
And it’s beautiful.
For RevelationWellness to be able to show up and to serve the community in this way, they need our help. If you visit this site you’ll find more information about this event and how you can help.
Bottom line: they need our support. For a donation of $25.00 or more you will be helping to GIVE HOPE to those who desperately need it. You’ll be helping them to be the hands and feet of Christ in a real, tangible way. Annnnddd, you get a cute shirt in exchange. What’s not to love?
And for the first time ever, I am getting the amazing privilege of flying to Phoenix to help with HopeFest. I get to tangibly see the way that your gifts of support are going to CHANGE LIVES FOR THE GLORY OF GOD!!!
Will you do me a favor and go visit their site and read more? And if you didn’t already, GO WATCH THE VIDEO I posted above. I know you’ll see what I do when I watch it- Jesus with skin on. Once you get to about the 1:30 mark you’ll start to tear up. By another minute in my guess is you’ll be crying and by the end you may have the ‘ugly cry’ going. You’ve been warned but it is WORTH it!
This year’s theme: BORN FOR A BATTLE. See, I was born for a battle to help lead others in transparency and vulnerability to a place of FREEDOM and living in their original design. And YOU were #bornforabattle. You were created on purpose and for a specific purpose and the Lord is ready to use you even now to fight the battle you were created for.
Will you help us?
Go to http://www.revelationwellness.org/events/hopefest/donate/
Thank you for your hearts, friends, and for how you help build up the Body.
I am so very grateful for you and that you choose to meet me in this space.
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