2 Years in…

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2 years.
2 years in
2 years ago today, I sat in a coffeeshop with hands that were trembling and no stinking clue what I was doing and I hit publish on my very first post on this site. I didn’t know what in the world God was doing, but I knew that He was telling me to trust Him. To step forward into a new adventure that He was writing and to be willing to do so without knowing all of the details ahead of time.

I spent that first year pouring what I could into this ministry. I taught about nutrition, exercise, and a little bit about how faith tied it all together. During that first year I saw dreams fulfilled, had my prayers answered quite literally, learned more about the way that God designed me , began teaching early morning classes, and started to navigate the path that He had put out before me.

At the end of 2014, I wrote THIS POST.  While reading through it today, I was brought to tears and to my knees in thanksgiving. Last year I wrote these words:

I want you to live healthy lives, friends, but more than anything else, I want you to know Jesus. To point to Him in your daily life. To know how you’re loved by Him and how you’re held each moment of every day…. I can’t help but testify and preach of the ONE way to lasting change. Whether that may be to one, to ten, or to ten thousand, the message must be the same: JESUS.

I can’t help but believe that God is working even now to bring good things to us.

Ever felt like you’re on the brink of something big that God is going to do? That’s where I am.  I don’t know what it is, and it may not be through this little ministry at all, but can I tell you this?

 I’m ready.

Whatever He wants to do, I’m ready to follow. I’m all in.

I know that whatever He has planned for me is far greater than anything I could plan or design myself.

My life verse is Eph. 3:20 and I am FULLY PERSUADED that it is true- for me, for this little ministry, and for you, friend. He is ready to do ABUNDANTLY, EXCEEDINGLY MORE. And I’m ready to receive it. I’m ready to be used.


So I don’t know what 2015 will hold for WellnessWitness, but I’m excited to see what God has in store for us.

Ready and willing.

Little did I know that in 2015, I would be called into this ministry full-time. Little did I know that I would be asked to make a choice between my chosen profession (that I had spent years and money preparing for), and this calling. Little did I know that when I sat in that little coffee shop with trembling hands writing about how to lose weight God’s way that He would use this journey to do far more than I could ever even imagine.

There have been tears cried along the way and sleepless nights wondering what in the world God was doing. There have been days that I’ve been ready to throw in the towel and there have been moments far too great to comprehend. We’ve celebrated milestones, embarked on new adventures, shut doors on old chapters, and rested in knowing that He is working ALL things together for our good.

My small 5:30 a.m. workout group grew from averaging around 15 to having 76 women on roster, and we added a second class at 8:30 a.m. that God is growing weekly. I’ve had the privilege of being a servant leader for Revelation Wellness Instructor Training in Arizona and we launched at At-Home Program for those who want to participate in our workouts from home. I’ve just completed my first book, an e-book called Finally Free, and I’ve had the privilege of learning more and more about who God says that He made me to be.

And still, I’m ready to say the same words:

I can’t help but believe that God is working even now to bring good things to us.

Ever felt like you’re on the brink of something big that God is going to do? That’s where I am.  I don’t know what it is, but I’m ready.  Whatever He wants to do, I’m ready to follow. I’m all in.

I know that whatever He has planned for me is far greater than anything I could plan or design myself.

My life verse is Eph. 3:20 and I am FULLY PERSUADED that it is true- for me, for this little ministry, and for you, friend. He is ready to do ABUNDANTLY, EXCEEDINGLY MORE. And I’m ready to receive it. I’m ready to be used. I’m ALL IN.

So I don’t know what 2016 will hold for WellnessWitness, but I’m excited to see what God has in store for us.

I’m Ready and willing.

Thank you to all who join me here in this space. I look forward to all that we will learn together this year and the ways in which we will grow. May your 2016 be a year of peace, a year of provision, a year of trusting Him more and following Him wherever He leads.

Here’s to new adventures, friends!
Happy New Year!

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